The ITC concept

Designed to foster exchange
Science thrives on the exchange of ideas – on bright minds inspiring each other. This is what the International Titisee Conferences (ITCs) are designed to encourage: Internationally renowned scientists are selected to chair a conference. In turn, they bring together leading scientists from two to three subdisciplines, along with a number of more junior scientists. The size of each ITC is limited to about 60 scientists and participation is by invitation only. This ensures a balanced mix: focused, yet diverse enough to allow inspiring new ideas and cross-pollination to occur. The emphasis is on new ideas, concepts, and unpublished findings. All data and contributions are, therefore, confidential.
The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) and the staff of the ITCs’ venue, which overlooks scenic Lake Titisee, take great care to create an atmosphere conducive to a pleasant and scientifically stimulating meeting.
Scientific exchange takes time
We require all participants to stay for the full duration of the conference. This stipulation may seem unusual in this busy day and age, but it has proven crucial to fruitful exchange between scientists from different subdisciplines who might not otherwise encounter each other. It provides the time necessary to find common scientific ground, spark new ideas, and develop the rapport and trust to initiate new collaborative endeavours.
Comprehensive support
The BIF selects the chairpersons and overall topics. It endeavours to support the conference chairs as comprehensively as possible by taking on all organizational matters, including inviting the proposed participants, preparing the programme, as well as organizing the venue, catering, and accommodation. It funds the entire conference, including expenses for travel and accommodation for all scientists.
"The conferences are truly unique: They offer a friendly, comfortable, and cultivated setting – an ideal platform for discussing the latest scientific developments. Chairs are free to choose all the speakers, which results in a scientific meeting of the highest level."
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, recipient of the 1995 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine